The Bouquet Speculum is a revolutionary medical device that has the potential to positively impact cervical cancer globally. This innovative tool is designed to provide a better view of the cervix during a pelvic examination, and increase comfort levels for the patient.

Historically, 2-bladed laterally opening specula have been the standard, but they have several limitations. They can be uncomfortable for patients, difficult to insert and adjust, and can cause tissue trauma or pain.

Advantages of Bouquet Speculum
Advantage No.1: Improved view of the cervix in all cases
The radial opening of the device provides doctors with a clear, unobstructed view of the cervix in all cases, making it easier to identify any abnormalities or signs of cancer. This can help to ensure that women receive the appropriate follow-up care and treatment, which can be critical in preventing the development of cervical cancer.
Advantage No.2: Ease of use The ergonomic design of the Bouquet
Speculum makes it easier to use than the traditional 2-bladed speculum. No special tables are required and repositioning during the exam is minimized. This is particularly important in low-resource settings. Low and middle-income countries suffer the highest incidence and mortality rates from cervical cancer and one of the main reasons for this is the lack of access to effective screening tools and procedures.
Advantage No.3: Less discomfort for the patient
The Bouquet Speculum reduces discomfort, therefore anxiety, for the patient. Instead of the traditional two-blade speculum which opens laterally, the Bouquet Speculum has five petals that expand in a radial fashion, making insertion and adjustment much more comfortable for the patient. This is critical if we want more women to come forward and be screened in the fight against cervical cancer.
By improving the accuracy of screenings and reducing discomfort for patients, this innovative medical device could help to increase the number of women who receive early detection and treatment for cervical cancer. This could have a significant impact on global health outcomes, as cervical cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in many parts of the world.